This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 737817

European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) Congress 17-19 March 2019


An innovation lab was present at MicroPort CRM’s booth, dedicated to the presentation of the Axone project and a demonstration of the product. In addition, an implant simulator was made available to physicians, to provide them with a hands-on handling experience on the Axone system. During the congress, a total of 135 physicians visited the innovation lab and were introduced to the Axone project.  



350 attendees were present at our symposium “CRT pacing sites: on the journey to new places”, which premiered the Axone project through the topic “Opening a new route for LV pacing in CRT: Navigating the coronary venous collaterals system: the Axone project” presented by Frédéric Anselme (University Hospital, Rouen, France)